French election sees rise of far-right MPs with controversial stances

French election sees rise of far-right MPs with controversial stances

FRANCE-Leader of the far-right Rassemblement National (RN), Jordan Bardella, mentioned only a handful of “black sheep.” Stated differently, a small number of RN-nominated candidates for the parliamentary elections whose positions did not align with the party platform. 

What’s behind the rise of far-right MPs in France?

But for the time being, Bardella has been silent on the specific identities of these troublesome candidates, the specific charges that they would be made, and his plans for investigating the subject. Nonetheless, a number of media sources, such as Le Monde, have demonstrated that, in actuality, dozens of RN officials may be included in this group rather than just a small number. 21 RN politicians have been linked to identitarian movements, have made offensive or discriminatory remarks, have questioned the rights of women and LGBTQ+ individuals, or have downplayed the severity of global warming, despite the fact that many of them were defeated in the elections. Although Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) has made a concerted effort to distance itself from its extreme far-right past, a slew of scandals involving candidates who advanced to the July 7 legislative elections have damaged the party’s more respectable reputation. A number of “black sheep” inside the National Rally’s ranks have come to light with the qualifying of hundreds of candidates for the second round of France’s parliamentary elections, indicating that the party’s racist and antisemitic origins persist despite its recent transformation. Ludivine Daoudi, an RN candidate running in Normandy, western France, had to withdraw after a left-wing challenger in her Calvados district shared a screenshot of Daoudi wearing a Nazi cap with a swastika on it from her previous Facebook account.

How did controversial candidates win seats in France?

For the present leaders of the RN, who have spent years attempting to reposition their party as an anti-immigration organization appreciative of democracy, any direct allusion to Nazism is unacceptable. Former members of Nazi Waffen SS troops joined the organization that Marine le Pen’s father co-founded in 1972, which was then known as Front National. The media’s revelation that Daoudi belonged to the Parti de la France, a staunchly racist Pétainist organization, supported the RN’s decision to remove her. Daoudi is by no means the only National Rally candidate to cause disgrace. This is a list of RN candidates who, in contrast to the party’s effort at a makeover, have either made racist remarks or behaved illegally. After participating in a video interview where she awkwardly attempted to refute allegations of xenophobia in her party, another registered nurse candidate who made it to the second round in Mayenne is making the rounds on social media. When questioned about claims that racists are still present in the party, the fifty-year-old ambulance driver could not think of anything to say. In her final response, she stated that she had “a Muslim as a dentist” and “a Jew as an ophthalmologist.” “To put it mildly, it’s awkward and poorly thought out. The local RN official Jean-Michel Cadenas emphasized that she lacked expertise in responding to media inquiries and that the statement was coming from a lady who is not accustomed to political speech.

What do the elections mean for France’s future?

According to BBC, After the first round of the French legislative election, such was the vividly depicted and intensely discussed scenario in the media, at the EU in Brussels, and in government seats around Europe. However, despite Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) party’s outstanding performance last week, the RN was unable to secure a majority. Ahead of Sunday’s pivotal second round, French centrist and leftist parties purposefully withdrew candidates to support each other’s candidates. As per france24, In an attempt to keep out the extreme right during the 2002 presidential election, some French voters showed their willingness to support a candidate they didn’t really like by attaching a clothes peg to their noses as they made their way to the polls. For many years, Marine Le Pen’s father led this far-right group, which included French veterans of the Waffen SS under Nazi leadership. In 2024, Marine Le Pen’s ten-year plan to purify her father’s party by renaming it and making significant efforts to improve its reputation seems to have been a great success.

Boycott Pairs Olympics 2024 due to human rights violations

Human rights violations are very common in France under election campaigns and olympics events. It is a bitter side of France not to behave in an accurate way. No humanity remains in the government of France towards its public and fans. Fans and the public should boycott this Olympics event for the sake of their rights and security. 



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