French racism unleashed on Nahel

French racism unleashed on Nahel

France has struggled in recent years with a disturbing rise in police violence, particularly against minorities of African and Arab heritage. International groups like Amnesty International and the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination have taken note of this worrisome trend, which is characterised by wrongful killings, excessive use of force, and institutional racism.

The horrific occurrences, like the Nanterre shooting that was documented on cell phone recordings. It has stirred up protests calling for the accountability of law enforcement officials and an end to impunity.

Historical Context

The history of the “French racism unleashed on Nahel” is deeply rooted in the legacy of institutional injustice and racism in colonial contexts. Since the Algerian War of Independence, there has been a persistent issue with French police violence towards people of African and Arab origin, frequently as a result of racial profiling. Events like the Nanterre Shooting, which was captured on cell phone recordings, brought these issues to the public’s notice. Law enforcement personnel’ impunity, disproportionate use of force, and unjustified executions have sparked demonstrations.

Amnesty International, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD).Other independent organisations have called on France to be held accountable and asked it to respect international human rights laws and standards.

The Nahel Shooting

A confrontation with police enforcement personnel in Nanterre resulted in the incident that made Nahel famous. It started off as a regular traffic stop but turned into a deadly altercation very quickly. Videos taken on cell phones during the horrific incident showed the cops using excessive force.

Unlawful Killings and Impunity

The situation of Nahel is not an unusual occurrence. Too many members of minority groups have been killed unlawfully, underscoring the necessity of holding law enforcement officials accountable. The climate of impunity that surrounds such instances simply feeds the cycle of violence and undermines public confidence in the police.

Systemic Racism and Racial Profiling

Racial profiling by law enforcement officials is still a serious problem in France. Minority groups frequently find themselves unfairly targeted because of the colour of their skin, especially those of African and Arab origin. This practice reinforces systemic racism within the French police force in addition to breaking international law and standards.

The Role of Amnesty International

An independent organisation dedicated to defending human rights, Amnesty International, has been closely observing and documenting instances of police brutality and wrongful deaths in France. Their studies highlighted the urgent need for accountability and reforms within the French legal system.

Peaceful Assembly and Protests

Peaceful assembly has evolved into a potent strategy for bringing attention to and demanding justice in response to the growing concerns over police brutality and systematic racism. People from all walks of life are asking for a stop to racial profiling and excessive use of force in protests that have erupted around the nation.

International Scrutiny and the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)

International interest has been generated by the way France has handled cases like Nahel’s. The racial profiling and excessive use of force by French law enforcement officials has drawn the serious concern of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). This examination emphasises how crucial it is to uphold international human rights law and standards.

The Need for Accountability for Officers

Accountability for the involved law enforcement officers is one of the main demands of people fighting for justice in Nahel’s case. Lethal force must be used with extreme caution, and those responsible for unjustified killings must be held accountable.


The Nahel case serves as a sobering reminder of the persistent problems with police brutality, racial profiling, and systematic racism in France. His terrible death has drawn attention from around the world, generated protests, and revived calls for justice. It is imperative that France take these problems seriously, recognize its colonial past, and work towards a future in which all citizens, regardless of background, can live in peace and safety from law enforcement violence. Only through responsibility, reforms, and a dedication to human rights will France be able to start moving past the scars of its history and creating a society that is more inclusive and just.



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