How much human trafficking occurs in France?

How much human trafficking occurs in France?

Human trafficking is a widespread evil that persists in taking advantage of the weakest members of the community. Human trafficking affects victims of all ages and backgrounds in France, as it does in many other nations. It takes many different forms. The different forms of exploitation that occur, and the national and international efforts that are being made to combat this horrible crime.

The Scope of Human Trafficking in France

In France, human trafficking is a severe problem that affects a large number of victims. The French government released statistics showing that 2,418 victims of human trafficking reported in 2021. But it’s crucial to remember that this figure is probably underestimated because many incidents go unreported because of pressure, fear, and ignorance.

Types of Trafficking and Exploitation 

In France, there are several sorts of human trafficking, and victims are subject to diverse forms of exploitation. The most common of them are forced labour and sexual exploitation. In 2021, 39% of recorded incidents involved forced labour, and 44% involved sexual exploitation. In addition, reports of forced participation in illegal enterprises, organ trafficking, and domestic slavery were made.

Vulnerable Populations: Children

In France, children are especially susceptible to human trafficking. Thirty percent of victims in 2021 were underage. These kids are frequently the targets of forced begging, domestic servitude, and sexual exploitation. Specific regulations and preventative measures must be implemented to address this issue.

France’s Legal Framework and Public Policy

France has taken strong legal action against human trafficking and established public policy. The French government takes an abolitionist stance, making human trafficking illegal in all its manifestations and offering assistance to victims. The coordination of national anti-trafficking initiatives is mostly the responsibility of the Interministerial Mission for the Protection of Women against Violence and the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings (MIPROF).

International Commitments and Agreements

France is actively participating in the global campaign against human trafficking, signatory to international accords like the Palermo Convention and UNTOC, laying the groundwork for international collaboration.

United Nations Efforts

The United Nations has been instrumental in the fight against human trafficking worldwide. The Global Plan of Action, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, provides a comprehensive framework for addressing human trafficking. The United Nations Security Council has also taken steps to combat trafficking, and a Special Reporter is dedicated to this issue.

The Role of Civil Society

Civil society organisations play a vital role in preventing and addressing human trafficking in France. They provide support and assistance to victims, raise awareness, and advocate for strong policies. Additionally, the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons (UNVTF) supports these organisations, and the Blue Heart campaign aims to raise awareness about human trafficking globally.

European Collaboration

France is an active member of the Council of Europe, and it participates in the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA). The European Union’s (EU) efforts to combat human trafficking, as outlined in the European Agenda on Migration, align with France’s policies, emphasising a coordinated approach to address this issue.

International Projects and Collaboration

France is taking part in several global initiatives to combat human trafficking. A government organisation called Expertise France carries out projects in South-East Europe and the Gulf of Guinea. The purpose of these programs is to increase local government’s ability to stop human trafficking and assist victims.

The French-Swedish Initiative

France has started working with Sweden on a cooperative project to better tackle human trafficking. The importance of developing international collaboration, policy, and capacity building is emphasised by this program.


Like many other countries, France continues to face a severe problem with human trafficking. The numbers show how widespread the issue is, with victims of all ages and backgrounds experiencing different types of exploitation. France has demonstrated its commitment to combating human trafficking through its public policies, legal framework, and international involvement. To correctly solve this issue, however, continued efforts to protect victims and prosecute traffickers must be made on a national and international level. Governmental and civil community actions are vital in increasing awareness of and offering assistance to victims of human trafficking. Nations must cooperate in the ongoing battle against human trafficking to put an end to this heinous violation of human rights.



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