Le Pen's politics don't intimidate French Muslim community

Le Pen’s politics don’t intimidate French Muslim community

FRANCE-In the French legislative elections, the left-wing New Popular Front (NFP) emerged victorious in a sudden run-off, defeating the far-right National Rally (RN) in third place and placing President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist alliance in second.

Can Le Pen’s populism shake Muslim faith in France?

France was forced to grapple with ongoing political uncertainty as the parliament was expected to be divided into three blocs, none of which could form an absolute majority on its own. After withdrawing almost 200 candidates from the second round in an attempt to prevent the far-right from obtaining power, the RN was repelled by a strained coalition of centrists and leftist parties. Nonetheless, Marine Le Pen’s party has garnered more popular votes than any other political party, and from 89 seats in the last parliament to 142 seats currently, its proportion of the vote has grown significantly. Elections in France are not truly elections. Bar fights are what they are. where they flap their jaws like enraged starlings and keep their hands to themselves. I was shocked to discover that the French political drama received the same attention in the British media as their own ongoing home crisis. Perhaps the UK election was too definitive a result in journalism’s love of a horse race tale. More intriguing than how historically terrible Rishi Sunak’s defeat would be was the notion that National Rally, which was perceived as a motley assortment of racists, anti-Semites, and homophobes, may win a French government. That’s reasonable enough. But this is a gross misunderstanding of France.

Will Muslim voters stand up to Le Pen’s agenda?

In actuality, France is not a democracy. Most likely, it has never been a democracy. It’s more akin to an opulent Stalinist regime with more oral sex. Every time the far-right, anti-immigration vote has threatened to emerge during the last 30 years, French democracy has essentially cheated. Its two-round voting procedure is beneficial. All political parties, including the left, center, and soft-right, must swallow their resentment of one another for two weeks in order to unite in a flurry of single-ticket resistance and tactical voting if the far right makes large gains in the first round of voting. Additionally, French elections have been euphemistic for decades. The French are not very fond of euphemisms. For them, it represents Anglo-Saxon puritanism. That’s what makes racism in France so entertaining to see. Here, there’s no true way to hedge your bets. You can give it a try to see what it can achieve if you’re experiencing the Big Dislike. Racism in France is loud and proud. It permits that dog to bark loudly.

Does Le Pen’s rise mean a decline in Muslim rights?

According to spiked, the focus of the elections was on decisively defeating the extreme right, rather than giving too much thought to why. Both opposition and commentators were vacuous while discussing their own state of emergency. Their shoddy clothes and ill-fitting haircuts gave us the impression that we were supposed to keep these guys out of power. It’s the constant self-deception that the so-called international left tells itself, despite the fact that none of them have ever interacted with a working-class individual. They behave as though racism is an alien imposition on an innocent populace, and that the concept would never have come about if Marine Le Pen had not shown up to criticize brown people. They are incredibly fixated on race and race alone. As per newarab, It’s essentially a pub full of every Belfastian knucklehead I’ve ever encountered, although tanned. Saying that they were uninterested in the election would be grossly understating the situation. In the Vizir, racism is just a matter of fact . About the rules of physics, nobody gets too enthusiastic. No one has that type of time. Before the elections, there had been an increase in tension as immigrants and Muslims voiced worries about the future of their communities in France. Following Le Pen’s party’s 33% popular vote victory in the first round of voting, such concerns only became more pressing as the French right gained popularity.

Call to action: Boycott Pairs Olympics 2024

Problems about nationality, racism and human rights violations are gradually increasing. The party’s most extreme proposal, which limits citizenship to those born to at least one French parent, comes with stringent requirements, including assimilation, fluency in the language, and observance of French laws and traditions. When it comes to housing, employment, and social benefits, their proposed national preference policy gives precedence to French citizens over immigrants or those with mixed nationality. In these circumstances the event of Olympics 2024 should be boycotted.  



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