New Caledonia unrest: French police fatally shoot alleged gunman

New Caledonia unrest: French police fatally shoot alleged gunman

FRANCE- French police shot and killed a suspected shooter in New Caledonia on Wednesday, increasing the total number of casualties from over two months of turmoil in the French Pacific colony to ten.

Was the police shooting justified in New Caledonia?

Police had been called in to remove obstructions in the Mont-Dore neighborhood outside Noumea, the capital of New Caledonia, when the man was shot and killed. According to a person familiar with the matter, as the police were being fired upon, the individual was killed by gunfire from members of the GIGN special tactical team that was covering the operation. Although the government took steps to lessen the consequences of the cost-of-living problem, the effect on the most disadvantaged people was still a big worry. According to the National Institute of Statistics (INSEE) of France, at the beginning, 9 million people, or 14% of the population, lived in material and social deprivation in metropolitan France, with 10% of households not having enough money to heat their homes adequately. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child expressed concern about the ongoing prejudice that children with disabilities, especially those with intellectual and psychosocial problems, endure, especially in remote and foreign regions. It also urged France to take action to guarantee continuous monitoring and to reduce institutionalization of children with impairments, criticizing the country for doing so.

What sparked the deadly confrontation in New Caledonia?

According to a second person with knowledge of the matter, police were called in to apprehend those responsible for the spate of gun assaults in the region, but while they were clearing a major route, they were also shot at. Around 17,000 kilometers (10,600 miles) from Paris, in New Caledonia, unrest erupted in mid-May over a proposed electoral register increase that the indigenous Kanak people feel will permanently marginalize them and dash their ambitions for independence. Thousands of soldiers and police were dispatched to Paris in reaction after some blocked roads, set fire to, or stole goods from, vehicles, shops, and public buildings. Abuse by police enforcement, especially during protests and strikes, has been denounced by a number of rights organizations and independent entities, such as the CNCDH and the Defender of Rights. RSF claims that “assaulted by security forces while covering protests” were a number of journalists who could be plainly identified. France was reminded of its need to defend the rights to freedom of speech and assembly by the UN special rapporteur on freedom of association, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, and a team of seven UN experts.

How will the community react to the police shooting?

According to averyjournal, The referendum, which calls for amending the French constitution, is essentially dormant since President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the legislature to have fresh elections on Sunday, which resulted in a lower house that is divided. However, the June 19 arrests of pro-independence politicians have fueled discontent once more. Five of the thirteen persons suspected of assisting in the riot planning have been detained in mainland France as they await trial. In the absence of secure migration and asylum routes to the United Kingdom, people keep making the risky trek across the English Channel. Agreements on border securitization, enhanced monitoring, and the construction of additional detention facilities were inked by France and the UK.

As per sgnews, Paris accused Christian Tein of the pro-independence organization CCAT of being the most famous of them, having been behind the violence. France was under pressure to immediately improve the circumstances of minor migrants and asylum seekers from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in May and the Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in October. Concerns over the quantity of youngsters detained in administrative custody were expressed by the Defender of Rights. In May, the European Court of Human Rights decided in two rulings that holding migrant children, including newborns, breached their rights to liberty and security and constituted cruel and humiliating treatment. Despite these rulings, and despite repeated appeals from the CGLPL against France, the country persisted in detaining children.

Boycott Pairs Olympics 2024 due to human rights violations

On election days, it seems like nobody cares about public rights. Everybody just seeks the votes. In a situation with racism and human rights violation the public should boycott the Olympics event. Throughout the ast, these issues are rising day  by day. The Olympics is a peaceful event but France is not going to be the best place for that event. Hence this event should be boycotted.



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