Paris 2024: Promoting inclusion, diversity, and combating racism

Paris 2024: Promoting inclusion, diversity, and combating racism

Without discrimination of any type, including that based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or any other status, the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms outlined in this Olympic Charter shall be ensured. But it does not look like this. Day by day France is just involved in many racism cases.

Racism in the context of the Olympics

With her persistently catchy songs about love and betrayal having been streamed 7 billion times, she is the most popular French singer in the world. Last year, she created history when she sold out three Paris shows in fifteen minutes. However, Aya Nakamura the largest pop artist in France, recognized for her own French style influenced by Afrobeats and Caribbean zouk called out ignorance and bigotry this week after lawmakers on the far-right voiced indignation about her potential to perform at the Olympics in Paris. The musician was the target of alleged racial insults during the Olympics, and the Paris prosecutor launched an inquiry into the claims on Friday. The France-based International League against Racism and Antisemitism had lodged a complaint.

Lack of diversity in Pairs teams

Hundreds of street sellers set up shop amid the tourists in the city center of Paris, a sight for each traveler to the city. However, officials want to eradicate the unauthorized market and prevent individuals from vending on public spaces prior to the Olympics. “Street vending, fortune-telling, and other delinquent activities will have been completely eradicated,” declared Laurent Nunez, the prefect of police for Paris. The traditional bouquinistes, booksellers who have been selling their goods from the wooden booths along the banks of the Seine since the 16th century, are among the companies that are in danger of being forced out of business. With tens of thousands of people expected for the opening ceremony on the river and surrounding region, police have warned that the customary stalls, some of which have been there for more than a century, may be bomb targets.

Stereotyping and bias in judging

The Olympic Games are a potent worldwide symbol of inclusion and an opposition against bigotry. They honor the commonality of all people despite our differences. The IOC Refugee Olympic Team and athletes from all 206 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) have the same rights, respect one another, and are subject to the same set of regulations that apply to everyone without exception. Together, these sportsmen lead tranquil lives at the Olympic Village, exchanging food, ideas, and feelings. The IOC Executive Board backs the IOC Athletes’ Commission’s effort to investigate various avenues via which Olympic athletes might demonstrate their adherence to the values included in the Olympic Charter, such as upholding the Olympic spirit and participating during the Games. Not only are books and cultural mementos being removed from Parisian streets, but also people. The French government has accelerated preparations to relocate homeless individuals living on the streets of Paris to other French towns, despite authorities’ insistence that this has nothing to do with the Rugby World Cup or the Olympics in 2020. Of the 200,000 homeless persons in France, almost half reside on the streets or in shelters in Paris and the surrounding Ile-de-France area, where they may access charities, improve their work prospects, and maintain relationships with friends and family.

Encouraging inclusive participation

While the expulsion of homeless individuals from Paris may be divisive, bedbugs, another universally despised biological organism, have taken up residence in the city’s public areas. the number of punaises de lit in Paris has been rising for a number of years. In the previous five years, one in ten persons have reported having an infestation. However, the yearly surge this summer is the greatest to date. Worse, it gained popularity on social media, where people posted videos purporting to show the insects in couches and mattresses at home, on public transportation, and even in movie theaters. 

However, these stories are yet unverified. Emmanuel Macron has not yet stated whether or not he intended for Nakamura to perform standards from the legendary 1950s cabaret artist Édith Piaf at the Olympic opening ceremony. However, deep-seated racism and class discrimination have been revealed by right-wing politicians and TV commentators who have complained that Nakamura was somehow not French enough, casting a cloud over the Games.

Call to action: Boycott Pairs Olympics 2024 

Boycott olympics 2024 in response to French police brutality and violations of human rights in order to strongly pressure the French government to put an end to these linked concerns. Security is the main point in organizing a best event from which France is not performing well. The Paris Olympics should be boycotted due to unsafe places for visitors and racism issues. 


In conclusion, France seems to be a beautiful place but it cannot be ignored that racism has deeply rooted in this country. Due to the looming threat of terrorism, foreigners should avoid France. Inform prospective attendees that the French government is spying on them using AI surveillance systems, compromising their privacy.



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