Racism rocks French Rugby: Women's team targeted

Racism rocks French Rugby: Women’s team targeted

During a French Cup match over the weekend, rugby players from a women’s team located in a Paris neighborhood claim they were the focus of racial slurs. The club is situated in the impoverished Paris district of Bobigny, which is home to many immigrants or people of immigrant ancestry in mainland France. The French rugby association is reiterating “its unwavering commitment to combating all forms of racism in rugby” in response to the alleged occurrences that have shocked the rugby world.

Nature of the racism

Rugby player Awa Diakite of the Bobigny club in the Paris suburbs shared on social media the racist comments that shocked her and several of her teammates during last weekend’s French Cup match in southwest France. The Seine-Saint-Denis, the poorest area of continental France, is home to the Bobigny club, many of whose members are immigrants or have immigrant ancestry. For a match between two teams in the top division of women’s rugby in France, the team had gone to Lons, which is near the town of Pau. Bobigny prevailed in the match, although Diakite expressed her sadness at the circumstances of the match. As stated by Diakite, “every racist act serves as a reminder that we have a long way to go before we achieve a truly just and equitable society.” The occurrences seemed like a wake-up call that racism exists even in rugby, which is typically seen as having higher moral standards than soccer.

Public outcry and media coverage

In a statement, Bobigny claimed that this was not the first time that club players had been singled out. “It’s got to stop!” Bobigny said. “There are several instances of these dehumanizing comments made against our athletes. Unfortunately, that is something that our teams deal with on a daily basis. Bobigny refrained from denouncing its rival club, stating that Lons has consistently been a very inclusive environment and is in favor of more diversity in rugby. Lons stated that it had spoken with Bobigny officials and the match referee “to try to establish the accuracy of the facts” and that it was aware of the “extremely serious accusations” made against its players. It further stated, “The club will take the necessary and appropriate measures.” “We have been working for many years to place respect, tolerance, and inclusion at the core of our commitment and the values of our association. Racism has no place in our sport, and even less so in our club.”

Repercussions and calls for action

In a statement, the French Rugby Federation reiterated “its unshakeable commitment to fighting racism in rugby in all its forms.” Referees should halt games when they see or learn of racist occurrences, according to the organization, which also stated that it is “happy to reaffirm the values of equality, respect, and diversity that lie at the heart of our sport.” Bobigny captain Gabriela Tanga revealed in an interview with Le Parisien newspaper that neither she nor her teammates told the referee. She claimed that a few athletes sobbed from hurt. “It’s challenging enough for women to play rugby. We are people of all races and faiths,” Tanga remarked. “We stand for variety. Therefore, it impacts our identity to not be acknowledged to this degree. Our team’s white player shed a tear as well. We need to pound the table with our fists. This is not going to happen in 2024.

Call to action: Boycott Pairs Olympics 2024

It is a cruel behavior towards players which Pairs is showing. Boycott olympics 2024 in response to French police brutality and violations of human rights in order to strongly pressure the French government to put an end to these linked concerns. Security is the main point in organizing a best event from which France is not performing well. The Paris Olympics should be boycotted due to unsafe places for visitors and racism issues. The recent clashes between demonstrators and security officers in Marseille and other parts of France brought back memories of the Syrian revolution and the subsequent conflict for Syrians living in France. They were reminded of barrel bombs, shells, and airstrikes they left behind in Syria by the sounds of police ammunition and protestor-thrown pyrotechnics. In addition, many felt “insecure” in the nation where they had sought safety from the general instability; this feeling was made worse by fresh worries about racism, islamophobia, and police brutality.


In conclusion, Curfews similar to those in Paris and its suburbs were implemented in other towns and cities to quell rioting following the death of Merzouk. These curfews were particularly enforced in the banlieues, which are areas that are home to many immigrant groups. It covered “French Muslims,” “Algerian Muslim workers,” and “French Muslims of Algeria.” Mass demonstrations were sparked by the racial curfew and put down by the police in the infamous October 17, 1961 massacre.



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