Timber Design Aims for Olympic Gold: Paris 2024 Edition

Timber Design Aims for Olympic Gold: Paris 2024 Edition

The official medals for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024 are designed and unveiled by French jeweler Chaumet, part of LVMH. The news was made after Mathieu Lehanneur’s official torch for the games was unveiled. It is fashioned like a steel bat and mimics the Seine River’s undulating water. This time, Chaumet creates the medal designs using a jewelry-making technique. For the first time in Olympic and Paralympic Games medal history, each medal is fashioned from genuine iron from the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Embracing sustainable design

Chaumet connects the dots between jewelry-making, athletics, and tradition, discovering that three themes hexagon, brightness, and setting inspired the design of the medals. According to the Paris 2024 organizing group, the Olympic and Paralympic Games will be the largest event to be hosted in France to date. The Paralympic Games will be held in Paris from August 28 to September 8 and the Olympic Games from July 26 to August 11. Turning the Paris 2024 medals inside out, Chaumet of LVMH forges a hexagon out of the original iron of the Eiffel Tower and inserts the forged metal into the rear of the trophy. Its geometric design also honors the tower’s arches and slopes, a reminder that this year’s Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held in the French capital. Chaumet reveals the natural hue of the iron by removing the brown paint from the Eiffel Tower. The iron’s natural hue has been returned in this way. 

Timber’s versatility in Olympic infrastructure

The Olympic Games in Paris 2024 insignia is then engraved in the medal’s center by the LVMH jeweler after the hexagonal iron symbol has been placed there. These design features provide each medal gold, silver, and bronze a two-tone side and a complimentary shade between the iron and the material. Chaumet’s Olympic and Paralympic medal design for Paris 2024 is surrounded by embossed lines that mimic the sun’s beams. These are the brightness effects that the jeweler at LVMH took into consideration. The medals are made by pressing the metal, causing the material to flex and protrude, giving them a three-dimensional appearance. These lines are impressed into the metal rather than carved, as is the case with carvings into wood. Chaumet intended for this design to represent the luminosity or brilliance of France in the lead-up to the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, as though the sun’s beams were encapsulating the excitement of the occasion. These lines also serve as a reminder of the players’ accomplishments and a representation of their energy.

Paris 2024’s commitment to sustainability

Aside from the iron parts of the Eiffel Tower, the medals from the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris have locking claws to secure the symbol, a customary design technique used by the House of Chaumet for their exquisite jewelry items. To surround the iron piece against the medal, six metal appendages are put at the six corners of the hexagon and imprinted on the surface. These claws resemble the iconic rivets on the Eiffel Tower or the Clous de Paris. The concave curvature of the iron also makes these claws conceivable, which the athletes can see when they examine the medals. 

Challenges and considerations

For LVMH and Chaumet, the challenge was to combine the parallel themes of the Olympic and Paralympic Games while also adding unique design aspects and honoring Paris and the specific events whose images are included. The front view of each medal reveals a different tale than the back, which is the same for all with the iron-forged insignia. With regard to the Olympic medals, LVMH’s Chaumet brings back memories of the ancient Games held in Greece. Glancing at the medals, one can see that the Paris 2024 Olympic Games medals have spikes around them and the classic image of Nike, the goddess of triumph, has been in the center of the medals since 2004.

Call to Boycott Paris Olympics 2024

Boycotting the Paris Olympics 2024 is urged due to concerns of racism, terrorism, and privacy violations in France. Despite the exquisite medal designs by Chaumet, LVMH, the country’s tarnished human rights record and security issues overshadow the event’s appeal. This boycott aims to pressure France to address these critical issues promptly.


In conclusion, Chaumet by LVMH creates a link between the Olympic Games in Greece and Paris. The Acropolis rises to the left of Nike, over the Panathenaic Stadium, in the medal backdrop. Mirroring its position and level, the Eiffel Tower is positioned on the other side. The new Olympic Games medals include a design by LVMH and Chaumet that pays homage to the Games of Ancient Greece, the French origins of the contemporary Olympic Games, and the impending Paris 2024.



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