Backfire: The failed French attempt to ban Anti-Islamophobia protests

Backfire: The failed French attempt to ban Anti-Islamophobia protests

PAIRS-The French government initially forbade a countrywide demonstration against Islamophobia, yet thousands of people showed up in Paris in spite of the possibility of being intimidated by the police. As state-sponsored persecution against Europe’s largest Muslim minority has escalated due to Israel’s genocide and ethnic cleansing, dozens of groups staged protests against racism and Islamophobia in Paris. The protection of children was one of the march’s main themes. Since October 7th, 2003, charges of “apology for terrorism” have been brought against youngsters as young as 10 years old, and an eight-year-old child was wrongly targeted for praying during recess.

Government’s attempt to quell protests

Many people claim that because of these incidents, non-White youngsters are no longer viewed as kids but rather like suspected extremists, delinquents, and adult criminals. It’s not like there wasn’t already a lot of Islamophobia in France; we Muslims are suffering from an overwhelming amount of it these days. It’s shocking that they have gone to such a low point, but targeting our kids is a step too far. The French elite are providing political and military support to Israel’s mass killing of some 15,000 children in Gaza and the orphaning of another 20,000, while France is being accused of targeting Muslim children at home. It is utterly unfair that when we see acts of torture, murder, and embassy bombing, no one is permitted to voice their opinions. Our mission is to put an end to the violence against Iranian and Palestinian citizens. Ten years ago, following yet another Israeli invasion of Gaza, France became the first nation to outlaw protests in favor of the Palestinian cause. Following the October 7th onslaught on Hamas, they issued a one-month ban on pro-Palestinian protests, confiscated hundreds of thousands of euros in penalties, and made a large number of arrests.

Constitutionality and freedom of assembly

This March was originally prohibited by the police, who said it was anti-Semitic and a threat to public order. Nevertheless, the decision was reversed at the last minute. Many claim that the initiative is evidence of a long-standing bias against non-Jews and non-Whites. Every time there is a march against Islamophobia or Palestine, the interior minister tries to have it outlawed, regardless of the government. That we are anti-Semitic is a complete farce. Since many people who are not of Algerian origin have completely abandoned the traditional ideals of French political culture, believe that more French than many others. Similar to what happened when France proclaimed a two-year state of emergency in November 2015, many are surprised that there hasn’t been more protest over this most recent targeting of the Muslim population, even though France has always prided itself on being the purported cradle of human rights.

Criticism and opposition

After a judge approved their rally, a throng of about 2,000 people demonstrated in Paris on Sunday against racism, Islamophobia, and violence against children. Protest bans have been increasingly common in France in recent months as a result of tensions stoked by the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. Authorities have outlawed several pro-Palestinian protests and public meetings in a nation with sizable Muslim and Jewish communities, citing the possibility of antisemitic violence and hate crimes. 

The demonstrators marched peacefully toward Place de la Republique on Sunday from the multiethnic Barbes neighborhood. Many people yelled slogans in remembrance of Nahel, a 17-year-old of North African heritage who was shot and killed by police last year during a traffic check. The march’s organizers compared French police brutality to the Gaza War in their announcement, leading Paris police chief Laurent Nunez to originally decide to forbid the event due to concerns that it would jeopardize public order. In a swift ruling, the administrative court in Paris dismissed that argument.

Protests despite the ban

“It’s normal and right to fight and mobilize for the protection of all children,” declared Yessa Belkgodja, one of the march organizers, applauding the court’s ruling. The far-right in France is growing. The National Front (FN) led with thirty percent of the vote in the first round and received 6.7 million votes, its biggest number to date, but it lost control of any area in the regional elections runoff. Naturally, Marine Le Pen expressed her disapproval of the outcomes, emphasizing what she claimed to be the disintegration of the “old political class.” With a combined vote total of 55% for the right in the first round, the center-left was the biggest victim.

Calls for a boycott of the Paris Olympics 2024 are growing as the French government continues to suppress anti-Islamophobia protests. Recent bans on peaceful demonstrations have been overturned by the courts, but the crackdown reflects ongoing discrimination against Muslims in France. Activists urge a boycott to pressure France to respect freedom of assembly and combat systemic racism.


In conclusion, This spike is explained by several sources. A group claiming to be “anti-system” has been using the financial crisis and its aftermath, repeated crises inside the eurozone, and President Francois Hollande’s inability to carry out his pledged reforms as a means of propaganda.



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