Paris 2024: Reflecting on the enduring legacy of the Olympic games

Paris 2024: Reflecting on the enduring legacy of the Olympic games

At the Docks d’Aubervilliers in Seine-Saint-Denis, Paris 2024 and its stakeholders convened for the Paris 2024 Forum. The objective was to evaluate over six years of collaborative efforts. One in two Britons (49%) think that hosting the 2024 Games would motivate people to participate in sport and physical exercise five months before the Games begin. 

The role of the Paris 2024 organizing committee

The Seine-Saint-Denis region will have a physical legacy enhanced by the addition of four new aquatic centers, eighteen new swimming pools, twenty-four centers for training for the Games, and newly constructed and refurbished municipal amenities, like stadiums and gyms. Between 2024 and 2026, an additional 5,000 facilities will be constructed or refurbished. Three million kids and teenagers have participated in Olympic and Paralympic Week since 2018. Every French school and university hosts this yearly event to promote sports and its ideals. In order to promote sport among women and persons with disabilities, Paris 2024 and its co-financiers have funded over 1,100 social initiatives totaling €47.8 million for 4.5 million beneficiaries, thanks to the creation of the Paris 2024 Endowment Fund in 2019. 

Fostering community engagement

The legacy extends beyond infrastructure and structures. It also involves altering behaviors and attitudes. Many initiatives have been started and will continue after the Games to remove obstacles and build an inclusive society. For instance, the Inclusive Club was established by the CPSF and the City of Paris with funding from the Paris 2024 Endowment Fund. 

Thirty clubs have explored this in an effort to provide local sports options for those with impairments. The Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Ministry of Sports, and the CPSF want to see the initiative grow to 3,000 clubs by the end of 2024. The concept known as Paris 2024 will endure long after the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Its sole goal is to guarantee that society gains from the Games’ legacy. 

Since the project’s inception, Paris 2024 has been working with all of its stakeholders to maximize the Games’ legacy. We must make sure that the momentum for sport and physical activity in daily life continues to build because of each and every one of us, and that it continues beyond the Games, as we prepare to host the largest sports event in the world in less than 100 days. 

Stimulating growth and development

“You should be pleased with your accomplishments thus far. But there are still a few months till the Games. Thus, keep up the excellent work and collaborate even more closely, driven by a shared goal: to create a new chapter in France’s Olympic and athletic history and make sure that these Games leave a lasting impression on the whole country. Following the Games, stay true to your dedication and resolve to use sport to create a better world by following the Olympic motto: “Faster, higher, stronger-together”. Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee. “The Metropolis is providing a total of 16 million euros in legacy money for the six facilities included in the pool plan and 5 million euros for the two repurposed pools. The 131 communes are being transformed and people are being drawn in by the force of the Games. The citizens of Metropolis will profit from this both during and beyond the 2024 Games in Paris. The legacy of the Games will serve as a potent catalyst for the current regional development. For instance, the Athletes’ Village is at the center of the revitalization of Saint-Denis’ Pleyel area. Mathieu Hanotin, President of Plaine Commune and Mayor of Saint-Denis.

Call For Boycott: Paris Olympic 2024 

Boycotting the Paris Olympics 2024 due to concerns over safety, racism, and human rights violations is a contentious issue. The call for a boycott stems from worries about terrorism threats, privacy infringements through AI surveillance, French police brutality, and human rights abuses. These concerns highlight the need for a robust response to pressure the French government to address these critical issues.


In conclusion, Create a strong and long-lasting social and environmental legacy by using sport to benefit people, the environment, and society at large. Continue to raise awareness about the value of physical activity and sports for health, motivating people to move more, providing access to sporting facilities, using sports for civic participation and education, and utilizing sports for inclusion, equality, solidarity, and ecological change.



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