Paris Olympics: Impact On Freedom Of Movement In France

Paris Olympics: Impact On Freedom Of Movement In France

There is a lot of talk on social media and even in certain media sites that the prefect of the Paris region is going to make people stay at home during the Summer Games since there won’t be enough public transit for everyone who visits. Breaking, sometimes referred to as breakdancing, will make its Olympic debut in Paris 2024. It will also be the last Games to be contested while IOC President Thomas Bach is in office. For the first time, there will be an equal number of male and female athletes at the Games. The persistent dispute regarding the possible participation of athletes from Belarus and Russia has clouded preparations for these Games.

Paris Olympics Logistics

The CMA CGM Group is now an official partner for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024. a tremendous source of pride for the 150,000 workers in the Group, who will contribute their whole skill set to make sure logistics at the biggest athletic event in the world function well. Seven months out from the opening ceremony, this confidence and communal reassurance sounded a lot like a reaction to the issue that Paris’s socialist mayor had aroused a month prior. On the set of the TMC channel’s “Quotidien” program on November 22, Anne Hidalgo stated that there are “two things we’re not going to be ready for” in regards to the Games. “Shelter for homeless people” and “transport”  the former being a daily challenge for Parisians

Transportation Infrastructure

The mayor of the French city, Paris, has stated that the transportation infrastructure will not be ready by the 2024 Olympic Games. Although the infrastructure for the Games will be ready, she stated that finding solutions to end homelessness will be difficult. It is anticipated that in July and August of next year, around 15 million spectators and accredited individuals would visit the Summer Olympic Games in France. 

Urban Mobility in Paris

Hidalgo went on to say that another important problem was the number of homeless individuals in the city. “I refuse to remove them and conceal them during the Olympics.” A social legacy ought to exist, she declared. “We’re working with the state and local authorities to establish housing where they could be as early as this winter, and while everyone agrees that we must move forward, we’re not ready.” She expressed her desire to take advantage of the Olympics to find a lasting solution to the problem of homeless individuals camped out on Paris streets and at metro stations. Everyone acknowledges the necessity of moving forward. Although we need to move forward, we are still not there.

Security Measures

Residents of the prohibited zones would also be required to register any guests who might like to view the action from their houseboat, balcony, window, or rooftop. “People entering a perimeter must be able to provide a valid reason for being there,” Nunez stated. He declared that there will be stringent restrictions on motorized traffic during the Games. 

Nunez stated that during the July 26 opening ceremony, which would have “very large” high-security, or “red,” perimeters, special regulations will be in place. Only those having a legitimate reason, that is, those heading to their house or hotel or those holding a ticket for the ceremony will be allowed entry,” he said. Nunez said that many metro stops in high-attack risk zones will be shuttered. “You can’t have open metro stations inside a protection perimeter unless you then also body-search everybody,” Nunez stated. According to him, if other stops are too little to accommodate large numbers of passengers, they may be closed.

Local Community Concerns

When local officials revealed earlier this week that metro tickets will nearly double in price during the Olympics to help pay the expense of operating urban transit, that announcement also aroused eyebrows. The price of a single ticket will be four euros ($4.37), instead of the current 2.10 euros, and the price of a 10-ticket block would be 32 euros, instead of the 16.90 euros. Residents’ monthly and annual passes, however, would be unaffected.

Government Response

The opening ceremony, which will take place on boats on the Seine River and mark the first time the Games are being kicked off outside of a sporting venue, has raised security worries, according to police and other observers. The government of France  plays a central role in adapting the successful performance of the Paris Olympics.Paris’s transportation system is already under strain; both visitors and commuters lament its dirty, crowded, and infrequent service. Hidalgo stated, “We are still not achieving the comfort and punctuality needed for Parisians and we continue to have problems with everyday transportation issues.”

Historical Precedents

The largest event to be hosted in France will be the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024. The Olympic Games are scheduled for July 26, 2024, to August 11, 2024. The spectacle that unfolds over those weeks will live on in history, and Paris will become the global hub for everything from sports to culture. But as everybody knows about the residence and transportation issue in France nowadays, this Olympics is not considered to be safe for fans. 



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