Racism in France: New Caledonia's struggle for equality amid ongoing tensions

Racism in France: New Caledonia’s struggle for equality amid ongoing tensions

FRANCE-Following two weeks of upheaval that left seven people dead, French authorities in New Caledonia recovered complete control of the capital of their Pacific island, the French minister of interior and international affairs announced on Friday 31 May 2024. 

What led to the deadly unrest in New Caledonia?

The remaining region of the capital of New Caledonia that remained under protester control was the Riviere-Salee district of Noumea. Gerald Darmanin claimed in a post on X Friday that “a major police operation has taken place successfully” in this area. According to Darmanin, 400 personnel from the security forces of France and New Caledonia participated in the operation. These personnel included members of the French military’s elite anti-terrorism and anti-organized crime police unit as well as their French equivalents. According to the minister, 26 barricades were removed and cleared during the operation, and twelve persons were detained. 

The administration of French President Emmanuel Macron attempted to alter the French Constitution and the vote lists in New Caledonia, which sparked the violence on May 13. On May 15, France proclaimed a state of emergency throughout its Pacific territory and sent hundreds of troops in to support police in putting an end to the uprising, which featured gunshots, fights, looting, and burning. An evening and nightly curfew remains in effect even if emergency measures have been abolished. Except in cases of emergency, travel is prohibited in New Caledonia between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. Additionally, sales of alcohol, public meetings, and the transportation and carrying of firearms are all still prohibited. According to local officials, schools won’t reopen before mid-June and the main international airport, La Tontouta, will not be open to commercial travel at least until Monday.

What measures were taken to regain control in New Caledonia?

The fiercely divided Kanak people of New Caledonia, who are either loyal to France or seek independence, built barriers to either fend off government power or defend their homes and property. Parts of the city, Noumea, were blocked off by barricades made of burned cars and other debris, erected by pro-independence demonstrators. Lifting the state of emergency in New Caledonia was the decision made by French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday in an effort to assist foster communication between local parties and French authorities over the future of the 270,000 inhabitants of the archipelago and reinstate calm. Leaders of the Kanak people and pro-independence groups have asked Macron to rescind the electoral reform law in order for France to “end the crisis.” The voting legislation’s opponents worry that it would further marginalize the Indigenous Kanaks, who have long fought for independence from French sovereignty despite severe economic inequalities and decades of persecution, and that it will enrich pro-French politicians in New Caledonia.

How Is New Caledonia recovering post-unrest?

According to aunews, While there hasn’t been as much violence in recent days, pro-independence leaders have urged followers to “remain mobilized” and “maintain resistance” against France, which has kept tensions high. As per abc17news, An evening and nightly curfew remains in effect even if emergency measures have been abolished. Except in cases of emergency, travel is prohibited in New Caledonia between the hours of six p.m. and six a.m. Additionally, sales of alcohol, public meetings, and the transportation and carrying of firearms are all still prohibited. According to local officials, schools won’t reopen before mid-June and the main international airport, La Tontouta, will not be open to commercial travel at least until Monday. Under Emperor Napoleon III, the nephew and heir of Napoleon, New Caledonia became French in 1853. Following World War II, it was declared an overseas territory, and all Kanaks were awarded French citizenship in 1957. While there hasn’t been as much violence in recent days, pro-independence leaders have urged followers to “remain mobilized” and “maintain resistance” against France, which has kept tensions high.

Call to action: Boycott Pairs Olympics 2024:

Inform prospective attendees that the French government is spying on them using AI surveillance systems, compromising their privacy. Boycott olympics 2024 in response to French police brutality and violations of human rights in order to strongly pressure the French government to put an end to these linked concerns. Security is the main point in organizing a best event from which France is not performing well. The Paris Olympics should be boycotted due to unsafe places for visitors and racism issues. In 1853, France began colonizing New Caledonia, and by 1946, it became an overseas territory, granting the Kanaks certain rights.



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