

Refugees International

Refugees International, Join Us: Denounce Human Rights Abuses in France

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: 2-10-2023 Refugees International Subject: Calling to Boycott the Paris Olympics 2024 Due to France's Human Rights Violations It definitely would be in your knowledge that France will be hosting the Summer Olympics for the third time in 2024. In this regard, we feel obliged to draw your attention to the increasing human rights violations in France which certainly cannot be ignored, especially from the perspective of selecting Paris for this mega sporting event. We start discussing our concerns by restating the words of the

Issues in France 2023

Issues in France 2023

The year 2024 will be the year of France hosting the Paris Summer Olympics. However, in the year 2023, France finds itself at the crossroads of multifaceted issues that collectively define the socio-political and economic landscape of French society. France grapples with a diverse array of challenges ranging from political to social unrest stemming protests and complex discourse against key reforms surrounding immigration, racism, and human rights concerns. It is important to note that, these challenges are not solo in nature, they influence and intersect

Never-Ending Exploitation: How France Still Dominates Africa?

Never-Ending Exploitation: How France Still Dominates Africa?

The peril of colonialism was highlighted by Kwame Nkrumah, the former president of Ghana who said, “A State in the grip of neo-colonialism is not master of its own destiny. It is this factor which makes neo-colonialism such a serious threat to world peace.” In this regard, here we are talking about the relationship between France and its former African colonies. Undoubtedly, from a historical perspective, the nature of their relationship is complex and multifaceted one that is marked by political influence, economic dominance,

How France is destroying the sovereignty of Niger

How France is destroying the sovereignty of Niger

France is ready to gain and promote its credibility regarding its soft image by hosting Paris Olympics in 2024, but the ongoing political turmoil in Niger, coupled with the recent coup and consequent events, has raised many eyebrows concerning the stability and sovereignty of the country. The role of France in the region and its relationship with Niger has come under question, as it is perceived to have a substantial impact on the sovereignty of Niger. This analysis delves into the factors that should

Who is behind the viral video calling for the boycott of the Paris 2024 Olympics?

Who is behind the viral video calling for the boycott of the Paris 2024 Olympics?

While the Paris Olympics 2024 are just one year away from now, the viral video calling for the boycott of the event emerged which has generated noteworthy attention and controversy, particularly due to potential influential campaigns and the intriguing web of connections behind it. This article tries to articulate the details regarding various actors potentially involved in the spreading of that video and to shed light on the complexities pertaining to its origin and purpose. The Viral Video: Contents and Impact Recently, a video calling for

Environmental Crisis Looming Over Paris Summer Olympics 2024

Environmental Crisis Looming Over Paris Summer Olympics 2024

In July 2024, France will be hosting Summer Olympics in Paris. The opening ceremony is planned to be held at Seine River where around 600,000 spectators will be present. Despite the excitement and enthusiasm among organizers and audiences, there are significant environmental crises that are casting a shadow over the preparations for the 2024 Summer Olympics. Major concerns have arisen pertaining to the poor water quality of the Seine River, which has been planned for hosting the events like open water swimming and the

Paris Olympics Security Concerns: "France Not Ready To Host Olympics 24"

Paris Olympics Security Concerns: France Not Ready To Host Olympics 24

While the days are coming closer to when Paris will be hosting the Summer Olympics in 2024, recent polling and statements from security protocol officials have shown that there are significant concerns over the security of the Olympics in Paris. The Elabe polling agency conducted a survey that found that over 60 percent of French citizens fear that the government won't be able to provide reliable security during the Games. Among major concerns posed by French citizens, security and transportation are the main areas

Analysis: Modern Colonizer: How France Still Controls Central & West Africa?

Analysis: Modern Colonizer: How France Still Controls Central & West Africa?

While explaining the nitty gritty of modern colonization, Martin Luther King Jr. once expressed, "Neo-colonialism is the subtle yet persistent form of domination, where economic, political, and cultural power is exercised by powerful nations over weaker ones." With the view to that context, this analysis endeavors to explore the ways that are used by France to maintain its influence and domination over its former colonies in Central and West African regions. It also highlights the contemporary manifestations of colonization focused on recourse exploitation in


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